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DxnnyFxntom – Swarm (Guitar Mixer Preset Kit)



This kit contains 57 high quality guitar mixer presets for FL Studio created by DxnnyFxntom of Internet Money.

Includes presets for pop, indie, alternative, acoustic, metal, rock, etc.


None of these presets are stock FL studio plugins.

Requires FL Studio 21 to run

Uses the following 3rd party plugins:

archetype cory wong, archetype plini, archetype petrucci, archetype tim henson, guitar rig 6, soldano slo-100, thermal, valhalla delay, valhalla vintage verb, panman, ns1 stereo, bias fx2, t-rackS CS, fabfilter Pro-Q3, CLA-3A stereo, CLA guitars stereo, echoboy, stark, magic switch, portal, ghz vulf compressor 3, ghz faraday limiter 3, tape mello-fi, waves tune, oneknob filter stereo, tremolator

the kit will not function as intended without them!