


This New One-shot pack is a game changer! Back in my college days before I even had a laptop i had a usb jump drive with FL10 on it + a boi1da drumkit & one shots that I recorded & maybe some samples I found off YouTube. I Owe a lot to one shots because they helped me create when I didn’t even have a laptop & was sleeping on a couch just to get by.

This pack contains 12 folders of all the sounds you need. they are all unique as well as pulled from some of my favorite beats I’ve ever made.

There is also sounds pulled from iconic analog keyboards such as the PROPHET-6, The JUNO-Di, The MOOG VOYAGER, JUNO-106.All the sounds have been processed thru analog tape to give it that warmth and saturation.

Over 100 + sounds in this kit, you can use this in any daw just adjust the ADSR KNOBS AND YOU’RE GOOD.

Bought Together

iBEENART - BATTERY PACK (ONESHOT KIT) + Producergrind - Goat Series (One Shot Collection) + Noah Mejia - Evolve (Stash Kit)
Total price: $72.00